Student Organizations

Did you know that students who join student organizations experience more optimism during their time in school? They also tend to develop stronger leadership skills, and report higher levels of persistence and responsibility than students who don’t participate in student organizations. And beyond all that — they’re just plain fun.
Pfeiffer University prides itself on vibrant student life that regularly innovates new communities. Consider where you may find camaraderie and belonging in one of our many student clubs. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Our campus is ready and waiting for you to start our next organization!
Part of the Office of Student Involvement, CAB is a group of student leaders who research, plan, and host a variety of games, trips, and other activities for the undergraduate student body on the Misenheimer campus. Students who have been enrolled for a minimum of one semester may apply for vacant positions on the board (usually 12-18 members).
Through their combined efforts, students in the Francis Center work to embody Pfeiffer’s commitment to servant leadership and faith development. Programs offered through the Francis Center allow students to explore service, social justice, various faith traditions, and examine their own faith and spirituality. Backpack Buddies, Habitat for Humanity, Mobile Food Pantry, and Angel Tree are just some examples of service learning opportunities.
The student leaders in the Residence Life program work as resident assistants (RAs) or resident directors (RDs) to help build community within university residence halls and communicate and enforce university policy to our residential students.
This student leadership program works closely with students in First Year Seminar classes as part of the Pfeiffer Journey. Peer Mentors help new students acclimate to the university, build relationships with new students, and assist faculty mentors with coursework and activities designed to help new students build bonds with each other and the university community.
Working with the Office of Admissions, these student leaders lead campus tours for prospective students and their families, reach out to high school students who have expressed interest in Pfeiffer, and help the Admissions staff with recruitment events throughout the year.
SAAC includes representatives from each of the Pfeiffer athletic teams to help provide student input and feedback for Pfeiffer’s athletic programs. They also serve as a student athlete voice with NCAA Division III and work to promote the DIII connection with Special Olympics.
Part of the Office of Student Involvement, SGA is the voice of the student body. This group of student senators and representatives works to improve the student experience at Pfeiffer, to advocate on behalf of students, and to coordinate the formation and operations of student clubs.
Academic Affiliates
Affiliated with the Computer Information Systems academic major, the society works to foster academic growth in the computer information systems and information technology field. Interested students may also learn more about the development of video games and participate in video game competitions.
Participating students work with faculty from the Religion and Practical Theology program to develop critical thinking skills regarding ethical questions that are part of modern life. The team participates in intercollegiate debate events.
As an arm of the Nursing Department, the Nursing Club works to provide social interaction opportunities between pre-nursing and upper division nursing students enrolled at Pfeiffer. Participants also have the opportunity to participate in state and national conferences to increase knowledge in the field and develop their professional network.
Affiliated with the Business Management and Leadership academic program, this club’s goal is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. Participants may participate in local, state, and national conferences and competitions.
As an arm of the English department, The Phoenix is Pfeiffer’s literary magazine. Students on the editorial staff curate annual editions that include short stories, poems, photography, and other print artforms.
Affiliated with the Science department, ProGrads is designed to serve Pfeiffer students interested in pursuing advanced degrees at professional schools and graduate schools in the sciences. Activities include workshops, invited speakers, and application assistance with community partners.
As a part of the School of Education, the aims of this club are to promote professionalism among pre-service educators and to serve the local educational community.
Associated with the Communications academic program, this club works to advance the student body’s knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the art of film and allied visual techniques.
This student group works together to explore commonalities and appreciate the differences between different religions and philosophies. The group hosts events to foster conversation and understanding.
Members of this club work to develop a culture of consent at Pfeiffer University, providing workshops with incoming students each year and hosting events throughout the year that address sexual assault and harassment, gender bias and stereotypes, and bystander awareness and empowerment.
Open to all students of color and allies, this club works to raise awareness of the diverse needs, interests, and desires of the students of color at Pfeiffer University; to identify and address instances of systemic racism; and to recognize and celebrate the history and value of the various cultures represented by our students of color.
This club works with area animal assistance agencies to bring awareness of animal rights, to provide food and shelter for strays, and to find homes for unclaimed animals.
This club is for those students interested in non-competitive outdoor activities. Students plan and organize trips and activities that allow them to explore the great outdoors. The group also strives to promote service to the community through outreach and service programs.
Spectrum is Pfeiffer’s gay-straight alliance and works to educate the campus community about the LGBTQIA+ experience. The organization strives to provide a safe space where people can be their authentic selves.
This club is designed to provide Pfeiffer University students the opportunity to create and engage in tabletop role playing games for the purposes of entertainment, social engagement, and camaraderie.