Pfeiffer Directory

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141 results found. First 30 results are being shown
Heidi Abbott
Assistant Registrar
Phone: 704-463-3061
Tyranika Abrams
Assistant Professor of Business (Graduate School)
Phone: 704-945-7305
Alex Baldy
Alexander Baldy
Director of Undergraduate Admissions
Phone: 704-463-3043
Marc Bartholdi
Assistant Professor of OT-Physical Disabilities Lifespan-Anatomy
Phone: 704 463 3703
Cynthia Benson
Director of Advancement Services
Phone: 704-463-3074
Adina Blake
Director of Advancement Services
Phone: 704-463-3036
Sarah Blake
Assistant Professor of PA Studies & Principal Faculty
Phone: 704-463-3724
Alicia Blalock
Alicia Blalock
Campus Guest Coordinator Undergraduate Admissions
Phone: 704-463-3044
Ellen Blue
TQP Induction Specialist & Grant Program Coordinator
Phone: 704-463-3152
Christopher Boe
Professor of Elementary Education and Dean of the Graduate School
Phone: 704-945-7352
Craig Bolton
Head Baseball Coach
Phone: 704-448-0281
Karin Booker-Dancy
Grant Writer
Phone: 704-463-3076
Ross Braymer
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Phone: 704-463-3300
Taylor Brigman
Multi-Channel Content Creator
Phone: 704-463-3035
Amy Frye Brown
Director of Financial Aid
Phone: 704-463-3015
Roderick Brown
Strength & Conditioning and Sports Ministry Coordinator
Rachel Bryant
Director of Graduate Enrollment Operations
Phone: 704 463 3104
Scott Bullard
Phone: 704 463 3030
Deborah Burris
Associate Professor of Communications
Phone: 704-463-3358
Emily Carella
Emily Carella
Vice President for Enrollment Management
Phone: 704 463 3047
Amy Carriker
Assistant Professor of PA Studies & Principal Faculty/Director of Didactic Education
Phone: 704-463-3716
David Cartrette
Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry
Phone: 704-463-3311
Shaun Cashman
Shaun Cashman
Associate Professor of Communications
Phone: 704-463-3432
Amy Caudle
Amy Caudle
Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Bryan Cheek
Bryan Cheek
Help Desk Manager
Phone: 704 463 3002
Jeff Childress
Jeff Childress
Vice President of Athletics and External Relations
Zach Chilton
Zachary Chilton
Director of Athletics
Phone: 704-463-3068
Christie Collier
Associate Director of Financial Aid
Phone: 704 463 3037
Ryan Conte
Ryan Conte
Director of IT
Phone: 704 463 3002
Kenneth Culler
Assistant Athletic Director – Athletic Communications
Phone: 704-463-3192
Alexis Currie
Financial Aid Counselor
Phone: 704-463-3052
Tom Darling
Professor of Health & Exercise Science
Phone: 704 463 3301
Laura Daugherty
Assistant Professor of Nursing-Maternal Child/Pediatrics
Phone: 704 463 3102
Carrie DeJaco
Associate Professor of Biology
Darci Marie Dickison
Assistant Athletic Director and Director of Sports Medicine
Phone: 704-463-3216
LiAnna Drossos
Assistant Professor of Anatomy
Phone: 704-463-3711
Crystal Eaker
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Phone: 704-463-3082
Laura Echeverry
Undergraduate Admissions Counselor
Phone: 704-463-3053
Kym Elliott
Student Development Operations Manager
Phone: 704-463-3400
Dechelle Ellis
Financial Associate
Phone: 704-463-3019
Ashley Eyer
Associate Director of Academic Success
Phone: 704 463 3323
Justin Fainter
Head Coach – Men and Women Tennis
Tony Faticoni
Head Coach – Mens Soccer
Phone: 704-463-3214
Scott Fisher
Scott Fisher
Chair and Program Director and Associate Professor of Physician Assistant Studies
Phone: 704 463 3050
Crystal Gaddy
Assistant Professor & Program Director of Occupational Therapy
Phone: 704 463 3185
Ryan Girts
Ryan Girts
Assistant Professor of Health & Exercise and Science
Rena Goolsby
Assistant Tennis Coach
Phone: 704-463-3260
Dakota Graham
IT Help Desk Technician
Phone: 704-463-3634
Paulina Graham
Paula Graham
Experiential Clinic Coordinator & Asst. Professor of Occupational Therapy
Phone: 704 463 3705
Susan Greer Fisher
Associate Professor of PA Studies
Phone: 704-463-3723
Cameron Griffin
Cameron Griffin
Junior Network Administrator
Raushan Gross
Associate Professor of Business Management & Leadership
Phone: 704-463-3125
Camden Hartsell
Undergraduate Admissions Counselor
Phone: 704-463-3092
Deidra Harwood
Deidra Harwood
Admissions Support Coordinator for PA Program
Phone: 704-463-3167
Deborah Haubert
Director of Clinical Education & Principal Faculty/Assistant Professor of Physician Assistant
Phone: 704-463-3719
Vontreece Hayes
Head Coach Women’s Basketball
Phone: 704-463-3215
Douglas Hume
Professor of Religion
Phone: 704-463-3132
Deanna Hurley-Chamberlain
Assistant Professor of Education
Phone: 704-463-3130
Jonathan Hutchinson
Archivist And Asst Prof of Lib Sci And Lib Sys Adm
Phone: 704-463-3361
Rebecca Irby
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Phone: 704-463-3027
Paige Jackson
Coordinator of Advancement Operations
Phone: 704-463-3077
Christopher Jones
Head Coach Golf Mens & Womens
Phone: 704 463 3256
Gabrielle June
Coordinator of Student Activities
Phone: 704-463-3408
Jamie Kazenmayer
Assistant Women’s Soccer Coach
Megan Kathleen Keaton
Associate Professor Rhetoric and Composition
Phone: 704-463-3182
Julia Kennedy
Assistant Professor of Economics and Institutional Research Support
Phone: 704-463-3025
Angela Kern
Professor of Elementary Education & Coordinator of Undergraduate Elementary Education Cohort
Phone: 704-463-3173
Richard Kivior
Associate Director of Academic Services
Phone: 704-945-7333
Shivon Lee
Phone: 704-463-3016
Robin Leslie
Senior VP of Finance and CFO
Phone: 704-463-3442
Robin Listerman
Phone: 704-463-3164
Lara Little
Lib Dir And Asst Prof Library Science
Phone: 704-463-3353
Cindy Loflin
Senior AP Manager
Phone: 704-463-3008
Mona Long
Database Administrator
Phone: 704-463-3032
Deaven Lowder
IT Security Analyst
Phone: 704-463-3002
Laura Lowder
Professor of Education
Phone: 704-463-3155
Brooke Lowry
IT Help Desk Technician
Phone: 704-463-3002
Dawn Lucas
Professor of Health and Physical Education
Phone: 704-463-3207
Susan Luck
Professor of Business Administration
Phone: 704-945-7303
Ryan Lundvall
Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach
Phone: 713-444-6276
Deborah Lung
Assoc Prof of MFT/Interim Director & Clinic Coord of the CLT PIMFT Clinic
Phone: 704-945-7308
Robert Marchinko
Head Coach Cross Country & Track and Field
Dana Martin
Professor of Nursing
Phone: 704-463-3069
Scott Martin
Assistant Coach Mens Soccer
Mark Maruszewski
Assistant Athletic Trainer
Teena Mauldin
Executive Assistant to the President
Phone: 704-463-3031
Mark Mccallum
Professor of Biology
Phone: 704-463-3307
Ramanda Medlin
Director of Human Resources and Compliance
Phone: 704-463-3067
Lisa Melvin
Elisa Melvin
Professor of Health Administration
Cashaun Miller
Director of Institutional Research
Phone: 704-463-3039
Damion Miller
Collection Development Librarian & Assistant Professor of Library Science
Phone: 704-463-3352
Mark Miller
Didactic Support Coordinator
Phone: 704-463-3424
Sequoya Mungo Brown
TQP Program Director & Induction Support
Phone: 704 463 3666
Daniel Mynatt
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Phone: 704 463 3112
Tucker Nelson
Head Coach Mens Lacrosse
Phone: 704-463-3220
Cynthia Newport
Circulation Coordinator
Phone: 704-463-3363
Jo Ellen Newsome
Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Phone: 704-463-3222
Marisa Oberstein
Academic Fieldwork Coordinator & Asst. Professor of Occupational Therapy
Phone: 704-463-3718
Chip Palmer
Director of Student Support and Success
Phone: 704-463-3367
Samantha Pennington
Samantha Pennington
Assistant Professor of Health and Natural Sciences
LaShonda Peterson
Receptionist-Pfeiffer Marriage and Family Therapy Institute
Phone: 704-945-7324
Don Poe
Professor of Psychology
Phone: 704-463-3041
Kay Pope
Financial Analyst & Payroll Coordinator
Phone: 704-463-3018
Reba Poplin
Accounts Receivable Manager
Phone: 704-463-3020
Tina Preslar
Assistant Professor of Accounting
Phone: 704-463-3129
Randy Reed
Phone: 704-463-3071
Laura Reichenberg
Associate Professor of Biology
Phone: 704-463-3320
John Reid
Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
Phone: 704 463 3171
Ryan Reinhart
Associate Dean of Students
Phone: 704-463-3401
Katie Riley
Kathryn Riley
Associate Professor of Biology
Phone: 704-463-3302
Anjali Robertson
Assistant Professor of PA Studies & Principal Faculty
Phone: 704-463-3713
Sharon Robinson
Director of Career Services and Internships
Phone: 704-463-3410
Acasio Roche III
Head Women’s Soccer Coach
Phone: 704-463-3218
Austin Rose
Austin Rose
Assistant Professor of Sports Management
Norman Rose
Professor of PA Studies & .5 FTE Principal Faculty
Phone: 704-463-3721
Edward Royston
Assistant Professor of English
Phone: 704-463-3402
Steven Sadler
Asst Coach Mens Lacrosse
Phone: 704 463 3219
Kristy Schmaldinst
Assistant Professor of Nursing-Lab Coordinator & Clinical Instructor
Phone: 704-463-3120
Heather Schoch
Head Coach Volleyball
Phone: 704-463-3070
Pete Schoch
Head Mens Basketball Coach
Phone: 704-463-3238
Ashley Schoppe
Assistant Professor of English
Phone: 704-463-3124
Jasmine Scott
Clinical & Administrative Support Coordinator
Phone: 704-463-3100
Ali Sever
Professor of Computer Information Systems
Phone: 704-463-3118
Matthew Shaver
0.25 FTE Medical Director-Physician Assistant Studies Program
Phone: 704-463-3722
Monte Sherrill
Head Coach Softball
Phone: 704-448-0282
Vada Sherrill
Assistant Athletic Director for Internal Operations
Tory Slayton
Tori Slayton
Undergraduate Admissions Counselor
Phone: 704-463-3056
Caroline Sowards
Caroline Sowards
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Phone: 704-463-3026
Donald Spencer
Associate Head Men’s Basketball Coach
Phone: 704-463-3237
Nicole Steele
Human Resources Specialist
Phone: 704-463-3009
Matthew Stocks
Matthew Stocks
Undergraduate Admissions Counselor
Phone: 704-463-3042
Mary Stokes
Admissions Support Coordinator for Occupational Therapy Program
Phone: 704-463-3710
Peter Szelwach Jr
Assistant Coach Track and Field/Cross Country
Phone: 704-463-3103
Leslie Tucker
Associate Registrar/Degree Auditor
Phone: 704-463-3452
Gary Veazey
Interim Director of Marketing & Communications
Phone: 704-463-3169
Alexis Walter
Assistant Softball Coach
Phone: 704-463-3253
Emma Kate West
Emma Kate West
Coordinator of Academic Operations
Phone: 704-463-3366
Jacinda Whitley
Jacinda Whitley
Assistant Professor of Marriage and Family & Clinical Director
Vail, Abbi
Abbi Wiles
Senior Admissions Counselor
Phone: 704-463-3455
Melanie Wilson
Assistant Athletic Director for Compliance/SWA
Phone: 704-463-3203
Deborah Wood
Accounts Receivable Manager
Phone: 704-463-3021