Graduate School Workshop
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm, Misenheimer – Stokes 213
Chapel Prayer
10:45 am – 11:45 am, Henry Pfeiffer Chapel, 48380 US-52, Misenheimer, North Carolina 28109
Commencement Information
December 2024 Commencement
Undergraduate degree candidates and Graduate degree candidates
Friday December 13th, 2024, Ceremony begins at 11a.m.
Garfield David Merner Center for Health and Physical Education, Misenheimer Campus
Student Information:
- Graduation Requirements:
- Account Balances: All financial obligations to the University must be paid before graduation.
- Commencement Ceremony Information:
- Arrival time day of ceremony: Students graduating should arrive by 9:45am in Henry Pfeiffer Chapel
- Dress: Come dressed in your academic regalia (cap/gown) and business attire with comfortable shoes. Shoes with flat bottoms are recommended. Don’t bring purses, personal items, etc. as there is no secure location for them. Leave those items with your guests.
- Undergraduate Honor cords: If a student has earned honors, they will be presented at the time of check-in on the day of commencement.
- Cap/Gown order information: https://collegegrad.herffjones.com/ You can ship them to your home or set them for a bookstore pick up to avoid the shipping fees.
- Ceremony Photos: GradImages will be taking professional pictures on stage during the ceremony. Register on their website to receive 20% off. GradImages – Register now and save 20%!
- Live Streaming: The ceremony will be live streamed here and on the Pfeiffer YouTube channel.
Guest Information:
- Arrival time: The seating area for guests opens at 10:00am.
- Tickets: There will not be tickets dispersed.
- Seating is first-come, first-served, but there should be ample seating for all who choose to attend the ceremony.
- Accessibility Accommodations: Any accommodations for guests with special needs, including parking, should be communicated via graduation@pfeiffer.edu by December 1st.
- Parking: Guests may park in any campus parking lot. Police will be out directing to open lots.
Continue to check https://www.pfeiffer.edu/academics/registrar/graduation/ periodically for up-to-date information.
Please direct all other inquiries to graduation@pfeiffer.edu.