Emergency Procedures
The university makes every effort to keep students, staff and faculty safe.
This page covers emergency procedures. For more information about general campus safety, visit the following pages:
- Campus Safety
- Campus Police
LiveSafe App
Pfeiffer University utilizes the LiveSafe app, a mobile safety communications platform and enables users to provide actionable crowdsourced intelligence gathering for security officials and provides immediate emergency information for students, faculty and staff. Download the app by clicking here.
Shelter-in-place is a procedure that would be put into effect in case of an episode of criminal violence or other emergency on campus. The main idea is to secure your current location by locks, barricades or restricting access. The main thing to remember when confronted with an emergency (such as an active shooter) is the word “OUT”.
- If you hear gunshots or are made aware of a threatening situation, determine if you can evacuate the facility. If possible, leave.
- Be prepared to respond to commands from law enforcement such as “show your hands” or “get on the ground.”
- Remember: officers do not know if you are a good guy or bad guy.
- Officers are trained to respond to incidents in a particular way. Do not ignore or argue with officers.
- Once out of the building, go to the assembly point. Do not reenter until allowed by police or university officials.
- Regardless of whether you evacuate or find shelter, call for help.
- Call 911, not 3000.
- Be prepared to stay on the line and describe your location and what you can see and hear.
If you cannot safely evacuate, then you should shelter-in-place.
- Stay low and hide behind desks or other objects. Understand that concealment is not cover and bullets can penetrate through objects.
- If possible, hide behind large desks or other large objects.
- Cover windows so a shooter cannot see into a room.
- Turn out the lights so that people and objects in the room are not illuminated.
- Unless you are calling for help, turn off your cell phone and other noise emitting objects that can reveal your location.
- Secure your room by locking the door.
- If the door cannot be locked, barricade the door with a large desk or by stacking furniture against it.
- If necessary, two or more people can hold an object against the door to barricade it.
- Keep the room secured until law enforcement arrives to evacuate.
- Do not be passive regarding your safety. If a shooter enters your area, be prepared to take him or her out.
- Remember that the only thing a shooter cares about is shooting people.
- Be prepared to move to action. While a shooting event is terrifying, do not let panic and fear control you. One person acting can motivate others.
- Do not accept that you are a victim. Do something to facilitate your survival.
- Use chairs, books and other objects that can be thrown or used to distract or incapacitate the shooter.
- Yell, scream, kick and punch at the shooter. A shooter may not be prepared for someone fighting back and these actions can take him or her by surprise.
- If it is obvious you and others in the room are targeted, work with others to “gang tackle” a shooter and hold him or her until help arrives.
Other Considerations
- An emergency message will be sent as soon as reasonable via the university emergency messaging system LiveSafe.
- If you are outside, take cover until it is safe to enter the facility.
- During an emergency, access to certain areas of campus may be restricted. Do not intentionally go to a part of campus where an emergency is occurring. Be aware that some roads may be closed. Wait until you are notified that it is clear to enter the affected area.
Inclement Weather Instructions and Definitions
As soon as a decision is made by the University Administration, all closings/delays will be announced via the LiveSafe app, email, social media sites (Facebook and Twitter) and the Pfeiffer University website: If you have not downloaded the LiveSafe app, go to, enter your cell phone number and you will receive a text message with a link to the app. There is no charge for this service.
You may also access messages regarding closings/delays by calling the main campus numbers listed below and selecting the option listed.
Misenheimer, Charlotte, and Triangle: 1-800-338-2060, option 8
Pfeiffer University closings or delays are determined separate from Stanly, Rowan, Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, or Durham County school systems. Please do not assume that the decision made for those counties will apply to Pfeiffer University.
Definition of UNIVERSITY CLOSED : Students, faculty, administrators, and staff are not expected to attend classes or report to work. If you are in a position where an exception to this policy may be required, you will be notified individually.
Definition of DELAY: (Misenheimer Campus)
* 3-Hour Delay – Classes with starting times before 11 a.m. are cancelled. Classes that start at 11 a.m. and thereafter will be on a regular schedule.
* 4-Hour Delay – Classes that have starting times before noon are cancelled. Classes starting at noon and thereafter will be on a regular schedule.
Definition of AFTERNOON CLASSES CANCELLED: Classes with starting times between noon and 5 p.m. are cancelled.
Definition of EVENING CLASSES CANCELLED: Classes with starting times of 4 p.m. or later are canceled.
The following TV and radio stations are contacted to announce inclement weather closing information. (Please note: Visiting the stations’ websites will be more efficient than waiting for scrolling information on a television screen.)
1. WBTV/Channel 3 – Charlotte (
2. WCNC-TV/Channel 6 – Charlotte (
3. WSOC-TV/Channel 9 – Charlotte (
4. WJZY-TV FOX46 – Charlotte (
5. Spectrum News/Channel 14 (
6. WSPC 1010-AM – Albemarle (
7. WFAE 90.7 (local NPR station) – Charlotte (
8. WBT Radio 1110-AM – Charlotte (
9. WRAL-TV/Channel 5/Fox 50/Mix 101.5 FM – Raleigh (
Campus Evacuation Procedures
Notifications will be sent to the public via emergency personnel and the LiveSafe app.
Section 1
Individual residential hall buildings (practice, routine and temporary evacuations)
Upon notification either by police, residence hall staff, fire alarm or Contact Now telephone notification, students are to immediately evacuate the building and report to the evacuation safety zones listed below:
- No students are to be in paved lots or on any roads
- Have hall staff inventory residents and let the police/fire know who is not accounted for and their room number(s)
- No person shall return to the building until notified to do so by emergency personnel
Washington and Cline
Gravel parking lot on north side of police department
Merner and Rowe
Gravel parking lot on south side of police department
James Center
Grassy area behind chapel
Ervin Vaughn – New Hall
Gray stone gravel lot
Alternative grassy area in front of Harris Annex
Plyler Kluft
Grassy area in front of Harris Annex
Grassy area in front of kluft
Section 2
North, South, Entire or Extending Individual Residence Hall Evacuations
Upon notification either by police, residence hall staff, fire alarm or Contact Now telephone notification, students are to immediately evacuate the building and report to the evacuation safety zones listed below.
- No students are to be in paved lots or on any roads
- Have hall staff inventory residents and let the police/fire know who is not accounted for and their room number(s)
- No person shall return to the any building or campus location until notified to do so by emergency personnel
South Campus Evacuation
In the event the entire south campus must be evacuated the evacuation site is Merner Gym. Extended evacuations are considered to be more than one to two hours or weather-related.
North Campus Evacuation
In the event the entire north campus must be evacuated, the evacuation site is the Student Center.
Entire Campus Evacuation
Go to Richfield School – North Stanly Middle School.
**Dependant upon directional winds and the incident, citizens may be directed to travel north and either take Wesley Chapel Road to Highway 49, Reeves Island to Goodman, then back to Richfield or direct south on Highway 52 to Richfield.
Missing Student
Pfeiffer University takes student safety very seriously. To this end, the following policy and procedure has been established to assist in locating Pfeiffer students living in Pfeiffer on-campus housing who, based on the facts and circumstances known to Pfeiffer, Pfeiffer has determined to be missing.
At the beginning of each academic year, Pfeiffer will inform students residing in on-campus housing that Pfeiffer officials will notify either a parent or an individual selected by the student when the student is determined to be missing.
This information will include the following:
- Students have the option of identifying an individual to be contacted by Pfeiffer when the student has been determined to be missing. Students can register this confidential contact information through the Office of Student Development.
- If the student is under 18 years of age, and not an emancipated individual, Pfeiffer is required to notify a custodial parent or guardian when the student is determined to be missing.
- Pfeiffer will notify the appropriate law enforcement agency when the student is determined to be missing.
- If law enforcement personnel has been notified and makes a determination that a student who is the subject of a missing person report has been missing and has not returned to campus, Pfeiffer will initiate the emergency contact procedures in accordance with the student’s designation.
Notification Procedures
Pfeiffer will follow the following notification procedure for a missing student who resides in on-campus housing:
Once Pfeiffer receives a missing student report via the Office of Student Development, Residence Life, Misenheimer Police Department or other source, the following offices will be notified:
- Misenheimer Police Department
- Office of Student Development
- Office of Residence Life
- Provost’s Office
Any official missing person report relating to this student shall be referred immediately to the Misenheimer Police Department.
If Misenheimer Police, after investigating the official report, determines the student has been missing, Pfeiffer will contact the individual identified by the student, the custodial parent or legal guardian if the student is under 18 and not emancipated, or local law enforcement if these do not apply.
Upon notification from any entity that any student may be missing, Pfeiffer may use any of the following resources to assist in locating the student. These resources may be used in any order and combination.
- Through Residence Life, the Resident Assistants may be asked to assist in physically locating the student by keying into the student’s assigned room and talking with known associates.
- MPD may search on campus public locations to find the student (library, cafeteria, etc.).
- MPD may issue an ID picture to assist in identifying the missing student.
- The Dean of Students may try to contact known friends, family, or faculty members for last sighting or additional contact information.
- Student Development or academic departments may be contacted to seek information on last sighting or other contact information.
- MPD may access vehicle registration information for vehicle location and distribution to authorities.
- The Information Technology Department may be asked to look up email logs for last login and use of Pfeiffer email system.
- If there is any indication of foul play, the local police department will immediately be contacted for assistance.
Fire Safety
The police department will be responsible for the scheduling of fire drills and fire inspections. We are also responsible for ensuring that fire extinguishers are charged and placed in the residence halls and other university buildings, maintaining evacuation plans in all campus buildings and periodic checks of emergency lighting. Any faulty equipment will be reported to the facilities department for repair and documentation of that report available for review if needed.
When a fire alarm sounds, complete evacuation is required. Close doors and windows as you leave. Walk, do not run, to the nearest stairway exit and proceed to ground level. Do not use the elevator. Leave the building and move away from it. Leave sidewalks and drives open for arriving fire and police personnel. Notify police or firefighters on the scene if you suspect someone may be trapped inside the building.
The alarm may not sound continuously. If the alarm stops, continue the evacuation and warn others who may attempt to enter the building after the alarm stops. Do not return to the building until directed to do so by the police department.
Fire Safety/Alarms/Regulations
In Case of Fire
If there is a fire in any building on campus, the most important rule to remember is: remain calm.
By following these rules, you can save your life and also the lives of others.
- If you discover a fire on your floor or if you see or smell smoke indicating the presence of a fire, report it immediately by dialing 9-911.
- Upon indication that there is a fire in the building, stay calm and exit the building as quickly as possible. If you encounter smoke, crawl on your hands and knees to the closest exit.
- If you are in your room:
- Check the door to see if it is warm; if it is not:
- Take warm clothes.
- Open your shades.
- Close but do not lock your door
- If you pass a fire alarm as you exit the building, do your best to activate the alarm.
- Go to the closest stairwell and get out of the building; never use an elevator.
- Once out of the building, call the fire department and police immediately.
- Stay at least 100 feet from the building.
- Do not re-enter the building until instructed by the fire chief or police.
- If the door is hot, perform the following:
- Stuff the base of the door with a towel or garment
- Open the window and signal for help
- If you are above the first floor, if at all possible, do not jump from the window. Try to wait for help.
- If you must exit the room from the window, tie your sheets together and climb down.
- Check the door to see if it is warm; if it is not:
When and How to Use a Fire Extinguisher
Only use a fire extinguisher if there is a small fire. Do not try to extinguish a fire that is already out of control. If you believe that a fire extinguisher will work, follow these rules:
- Do not attempt to extinguish a fire yourself until an alarm has been triggered.
- Pull the pin at the top of the handle.
- Aim the hose at the base of the fire.
- Activate the fire extinguisher and sweep the base of the fire.
- Notify the fire department as soon as possible.
- If you are able to put out the fire, notify police immediately.
- If you observe a fire extinguisher missing or needing service, contact campus police immediately.
- Police officers check fire extinguishers monthly to ensure proper operation and location.
In the event of a fire alarm, all residents are required to vacate the building. The fire department is not able to clear alarms and allow residents back into the building until all residents have vacated. Even if you are sure the alarm is a false one, you must leave the building. Students who refuse to leave or attempt to hide to avoid vacating the building will be charged with a code of conduct violation or cited on a campus citation. Evacuation plans will be reviewed in the first hall meeting and fire plans will be posted on each floor. Be sure to acquaint yourself with emergency escape routes in your building.
Fire Drills
Fire drills are conducted each month of the fall and spring semesters in every hall at various times during the evening, and once after midnight per semester. This is in accordance with North Carolina state law, to ensure that all residents are familiar with evacuation procedures and to ensure that all safety equipment is functional. During a fire drill, every student MUST evacuate the building and follow emergency procedures and police or residence life staff instructions. Failure to exit a building during a fire drill may lead to serious campus actions.
Fire Safety Equipment
Fire equipment is placed in the residence halls for students’ protection and the protection of property in the event of a fire or emergency. Anyone who causes damage to this equipment or who renders it unusable or ineffective is endangering the safety of all residents. If a student is involved with the misuse or tampering of any fire safety equipment, or tampering with smoke detectors or fire alarm bells, including setting off false fire alarms, the student will be subject to penalties described by state and federal laws as well as university judicial action. Costs for missing or discharged fire extinguishers will be charged to all building residents if the individuals responsible cannot be identified.
Open Flames
Open flames of any kind (specifically candles, incense and oil lamps) are prohibited in your residence hall room in conjunction with fire safety regulations. Candles and incense are particularly dangerous as they are easily tipped over or forgotten when residents leave the room. In addition, their flames are easily wind blown and can damage clothing, curtains and carpet. Halogen lamps are also prohibited because they generate excessive heat and are a fire hazard.
Plan Ahead
Planning ahead can save your life. Here are some things that you should know about your apartment or residence hall:
- Know the layout of your floor. Know the location of pull stations on your floor. Know the location of stair exits.
- Know the number of doors between your room and the exit stairs. You may need to find the stairs in the dark.
- Know the location of fire extinguishers near your room and on your floor.
- Know where the alternative exits are in the event one is blocked.
Fire Safety Precautions
- Keep a flashlight ready and in a handy place.
- Report fire hazards to your RA.
- Keep your hallway clean and free of trash, furniture, etc. Make sure these items are stored properly and collected regularly.
- Be careful not to overload electrical circuits and use approved electrical extension cords. Short circuits are the cause of many fires.
- Cook with care. Double check the stove to make sure it is turned off before you leave the area. Do not leave food unattended while cooking.
- Never smoke in bed, and make sure there are no smoldering butts when you empty ashtrays. (Note that NO SMOKING is allowed in residential halls.)
Fire Safety Record for Pfeiffer Residential Halls
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | |
Washington | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cline | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Merner | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Rowe | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Vaughn | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Ervin | 0 | 0 | 0 |
New Hall | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Kluft | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Plyler | 0 | 0 | 0 |
General Evacuation Procedures for Persons with Disabilities
In all emergencies, after an evacuation has been ordered, the following applies:
- Check on people with special needs during an evacuation. A “buddy system,” where people with disabilities arrange for volunteers (neighbors/classmates) to alert them and assist them in an emergency, is a good method.
- Always ASK someone with a disability how you can help BEFORE attempting any rescue technique or giving assistance. Ask how he or she can best be assisted or moved, and whether there are any special considerations or items that need to come with the person.
- Evacuate or assist people with disabilities to get to the nearest stairwell if possible.
- DO NOT use elevators, unless directed to do so by police or fire personnel. If the evacuation has been ordered due to a fire, elevators could fail during a fire. Police or fire personnel will know if the elevators can be used.
- If the situation is life threatening, call 3000 or 9-911 from any campus telephone.
- Attempt a rescue evacuation ONLY if you have had rescue training or the person is in immediate danger and cannot wait for professional assistance.
Aiding Persons with Specific Disabilities During Emergencies
Blindness or Visual Impairment
- Give verbal instructions to advise about safest route or direction using compass directions, estimated distances, and directional landmarks.
- DO NOT grasp a visually impaired person’s arm. Ask if he or she would like to hold onto your arm as you exit, especially if there is debris or a crowd.
- Give other verbal instructions or information (i.e., move to the stairwell, elevators cannot be used, etc.).
Deafness or Hearing Loss
- Get the attention of a person with a hearing disability by touch and eye contact. Clearly state the problem. Gestures and pointing are helpful, but be prepared to write a brief statement if the person does not seem to understand.
- Offer visual instructions to advise of safest route or direction by pointing toward stairwell exits or evacuation maps.
Mobility Impairment
- It may be necessary to help clear the exit route of debris (if possible) so that the person with a disability can exit to a safer area.
- If people with mobility impairments cannot exit, they should move to a safer area such as the nearest stairwell. If that is not possible, they should move to an office or other room with the door shut which is a good distance from the hazard.
- Notify police or fire personnel immediately about any people remaining in the building and their locations.
- Police or fire personnel will decide whether people are safe where they are, and will evacuate them as necessary. They may determine that it is safe to override the general rule against using elevators.
Stay Safe
Click here information about educational safety classes or to learn more about campus police services. We appreciate your efforts to keep our campus safe and peaceful.
Chief of Police
Erik S. McGinnis ’10
(704) 463-3001