Campus Police
At Pfeiffer University, campus police and the Village of Misenheimer Police Department are one and the same. With a clear, 24/7 campus presence, the Misenheimer police force’s priority is to keep students and employees safe.
Per the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f)), the public is able to request Pfeiffer University’s annual security report.
Police Station Location
The Misenheimer Police Department is located behind Goode Hall and Cline Residence Hall on North Campus. To get to the Police Office, turn from Hwy 52 beside the Post Office and travel the road around Cline Hall. The police department will be located on your left.
LiveSafe App
Pfeiffer University and the Village of Misenheimer Police Department utilize the LiveSafe app, a mobile safety communications platform and enables users to provide actionable crowdsourced intelligence gathering for security officials and provides immediate emergency information for students, faculty and staff. Download the app for your device here:

A Message from Markus Lambert, Village of Misenheimer Chief of Police
Pfeiffer and Misenheimer Community Members:
On behalf of the Village of Misenheimer Police Department, welcome to Pfeiffer.
At Pfeiffer, we take seriously the issue of campus safety. In collaboration with the Misenheimer and Pfeiffer communities, our police force works to identify and eliminate problems—often before they start.
Through a community policing approach to law enforcement, we solicit community input and feedback, conduct training classes, and patrol the community and Pfeiffer campus 24 hours a day to provide students and employees a safe environment in which to live and work. In fact, through our Residential Officer Program, residential students have access to a campus police officer at all times.
Please feel free to contact me with your concerns.
Markus Lambert
Chief of Police
Village of Misenheimer
(704) 463-3001
About the Misenheimer Police Department
The Police Department is charged with ensuring safety and law enforcement on Pfeiffer’s campus and the surrounding village of Misenheimer. The department employs one Chief of Police and several commissioned police officers.
Police officers must successfully complete the State of North Carolina commissioning program at an approved police academy. The training curriculum includes courses in criminal law and procedures, patrol and investigation techniques, firearms, first aid and physical training. Mandated and selective annual in-service training programs are used to update and enhance the professional skills of the officers.
The Police Department cooperates with local and state law enforcement agencies in cases involving on and off-campus jurisdictions or when another agency can help with an investigation. Police officers enforce all state and local laws. Police officers will respond at the request of the Stanly County Sheriff’s Office or other law enforcement agencies to provide assistance if needed.
Misenheimer Police Officers
Chief Markus Lambert (500)
Captain Phillip Burdge (501)
Officer Austin Wagoner (503) Pfeiffer Class of ’17
Officer Billy Cagle (504)
Part-Time Officers
Officer Clyde “Kip” Cupples III (510)
Officer Matt Flanagan (511)
Mission Statement
The Misenheimer Police Department will work with the community and other law enforcement agencies to provide quality law enforcement services that address all law enforcement, safety, and security needs in the village of Misenheimer.
Primary Goal
Our goal is to provide the community an environment in which one can live, work and study without fear of criminal activity.
Our vision is to advance the Misenheimer Police Department to its highest level of law enforcement professionalism and service.
Core Values
- Integrity
- Professionalism
- Problem Solving Skills
To be a police officer is a noble endeavor. It is the profession that encompasses a multitude of challenges, and requires a like number of talents to meet those demands.
As such, officers of the Misenheimer Police Department hold strong to the highest expectations of integrity, professionalism and problem solving skills.
The department’s public safety role insures that members of the community enjoy a high degree of protection from personal harm and a high degree of security for their property. This protection is manifested in round-the-clock patrol of the village of Misenheimer and university campus, crime prevention and personal safety awareness programs and constant attention to the correction of potentially hazardous conditions.
With regard to campus safety specifically, one of the department’s important responsibilities rests with the campus physical facilities and the property within them. Security checks of facilities, interior and exterior, are maintained in order to achieve the maximum protection necessary for each building. The operating condition of all locks and security hardware is monitored with every check; defects are reported promptly.
Another important part of the department’s overall purpose is service to the community. Not only does this include emergency assistance, but general services which may be required by village residents, academic or administrative departments.
In fulfilling its public safety responsibilities the department strives to insure that the peace and order of the village and university community is maintained at all times.
Educate, Protect and Serve
The department sponsors crime, rape and personal safety classes throughout the academic year. These classes are open to all students, faculty, staff, as well as the outside community. There will be no charge (except occasionally for materials) for anyone attending, and the community will be notified by flyers posted within the village.
The following programs are currently being sponsored:
- Fire and Crime Prevention Programs – These programs are intended to increase awareness and prevent incidents from occuring on the Misenheimer campus. The best deterant is prevention, and the police department strives to make each Pfeiffer community member more aware of their surroundings.
- Rape Awareness Programs – The Misenheimer Police Department and other local agencies are invited to speak to students and community members about sexual assault and how to deal with it.
- Alcohol Awareness – The campus police department offers training and educational sessions concerning drinking and driving in North Carolina in conjunction with the Pfeiffer University Alcohol Awareness Task Force. Alcohol educational training may be assigned to students as a result of a campus judicial sanction.
- Information Board – The MPD Information Board is located in the Student Center and posts safety information and information about current crimes that have taken place on campus or in the surrounding area. The information board is just one way the MPD comforms with the Clery Act.
- Traffic Safety Officer and Defense Driver Training – The department was awarded several grants from the N.C. Governor’s Highway Safety Program to fund a traffic safety officer and traffic safety equipment. As part of the grant, the department sponsors several traffic safety training courses throughout the year and is responsible for all parking issues on campus. If you would like more information on the grants received or any driver training course please contact Chief Lambert at ext. 3001.
- Misenheimer Police Sponsored Events – The police department often coordinates programs for faculty and staff, students and the general public. These programs range in topic from “Refuse to be a Victim” to “Fatal Vision,” a DWI awareness training. If you would like for campus police to sponsor a program in your area please contact Chief Lambert at ext. 3001.
Stay Safe
For more information about safety procedures, visit the following pages:
We appreciate your efforts to keep our campus safe and peaceful.
Chief of Police
Markus Lambert
(704) 463-3001