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Misenheimer Campus
48380 US Hwy 52
Misenheimer, NC 28109
(800) 338-2060
charlotte Campus
1515 Mockingbird Lane
Charlotte, NC 28209
(800) 338-2060
Albemarle – Center for Health Sciences
245 E Main St
Albemarle, NC 28001
(800) 338-2060
Misenheimer Campus Parking and Traffic Regulations
Pfeiffer University is a pedestrian campus. To ensure safety and preserve the environment, use of vehicles on campus is limited to commuting purposes. This is enforced by campus police.
Please use the pedestrian crosswalks when crossing Hwy 52.
All residential students, commuter students, faculty, staff and any other persons attending university classes must register their vehicles. There is no charge for this service.
Faculty and staff will register their vehicle with Human Resources and students will register their vehicle with Student Development.
Parking decals for residential and commuter students are valid for the academic year.
Display decals on the left side (driver’s side) on the lower left corner of the rear window. Permit must be properly displayed for the vehicle to be considered registered.
The fee for replacing a lost or stolen decal is $10. When multiple vehicles are registered, only one vehicle is allowed on campus at any given time. Storage/utility trailers, boats and recreational vehicles are not permitted on campus.
Parking and Traffic Regulations
Parking spaces are clearly marked by two parallel white lines; park between these lines. If the parking area is graveled or lines are not present, park with consideration to others.
North Carolina Motor Vehicle Laws will be enforced. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse; please familiarize yourself with the laws.
The campus-wide speed limit is 15 miles per hour except where slower speed is essential for safety.
There is no parking in or on:
- No parking zones
- Loading/delivery zones
- Fire zones
- Sidewalks or walkways
- Any 24-hour restricted lot or space, without proper authorization
- Grass or grounds
- Handicapped Parking spaces if the vehicle does not display a legitimate state-issued Handicapped placard or a Pfeiffer University Handicapped permit (obtainable at the Police Department)
- Areas designated as “No Parking” or “No Vehicle” area by signs or pavement markings
- Any street or driveway
In case of emergency, turn on your flashers and notify Campus Police.
The following are not allowed on campus:
- Using more than one parking space per vehicle
- Parking too far from the curb
- Obstructing an entrance to a building
- Parking in front of a fire hydrant
Residential students placed on disciplinary probation may have their parking privileges taken away.
Vehicles are not to be washed or serviced on campus.
All vehicles must come to a complete stop at stop signs located on campus.
Pedestrians always have the right-of-way when crossing at intersections and crosswalks.
Limit unnecessary noise from horns, mufflers and radios.
Anyone discovered to have an unauthorized parking permit, or who transfers a permit from one vehicle to another, may have his/her parking privileges revoked.
Pfeiffer is a pedestrian campus. As such, vehicles must remained parked unless entering or vacating campus.
Visitors are welcome! Temporary/visitor parking permits are available at no cost at the Office of Campus Safety and Police for guests and visitors.
Please hang temporary/visitor permits on the rearview mirror whenever the vehicle is parked on campus. The permit should be removed from the rearview mirror whenever the vehicle is in motion. These permits are valid for up to one week. A visitor is defined as any person who is not presently attending a class or function that meets regularly on campus. Visitor permits are not necessary for guests/visitors staying on campus between 4 p.m. on Fri. and 8 a.m. on Mon.
All vehicles bearing a valid Pfeiffer University parking decal are allowed to park 24 hours a day year round on the Pfeiffer University campus in the appropriate designated lot.
Faculty and staff members may park in all parking areas. Parking spaces marked RESERVED will be designated for faculty and staff, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Students parking in areas other than designated will receive a campus citation for parking in a reserved space. Emergency flashers may be used for 15 minutes when loading and unloading your vehicle. However, the use of flashers does not exempt you from receiving a ticket for impeding traffic or parking on the grass.
Individuals who violate university parking policies may receive a parking citation. Fines for violations must be paid within two weeks (14 calendar days) upon receipt of a ticket. Mail payments to: Pfeiffer University Business Office, PO Box 960, Misenheimer, N.C. 28109. Please make checks payable to Pfeiffer University. Any individual failing to pay an imposed fine will be subject to one or all of the following:
- Revocation of parking privileges
- Withheld grades and/or transcripts
- Unpaid fines billed to the student’s account
The fines for all parking, moving, safety or other violations will be clearly marked on the citation. Continued flagrant violation of these parking and traffic regulations will be cause for the university to revoke an individual’s parking privileges. Students receiving six or more paid or unpaid parking/moving violation tickets within an academic year may be subject to having their parking privileges revoked and their vehicle towed at the owner’s expense.
If you wish to appeal a ticket, you must fill out an appeal form and return it to the chief of Misenheimer police. These forms are located at the Police Department and Campus Printing Office. A citation will not be voided for:
- Ignorance of the law
- No parking sign
- No marking on pavement
- Towing
The university reserves the right to remove any vehicle that has:
- Parked in such a way as to constitute a serious hazard
- Impeded vehicular/pedestrian traffic or the operation of emergency equipment
- Received in excess of 10 parking citations
- Parked in a restricted area that has been designated by notice, tape, rope or any type of barricade
Owners are required to pay all costs incurred during the removing, impounding and storing of such vehicles. Pfeiffer University is not responsible for any damages, loss or theft due to a vehicle being towed.
Every reasonable effort will be made to contact the owner of the vehicle before it is towed; however, if the owner cannot be contacted within 15 minutes from the time a campus police officer is aware of the violation, the vehicle may be towed.
All persons attending weddings, sporting and theatrical events and any other event that offers parking on campus will utilize the parking lot closest to the event or areas designated by the police department. The individual in charge of the event is responsible for notifying the police chief that the event is taking place and that there will be cars parking on campus that will not be registered.
To ensure that your guests and visitors are not ticketed for non-registration, and to assist the police department in identifying unknown vehicles on campus, please follow these rules:
- If you are having an event on the weekend, a parking permit is not needed. Officers will not write parking tickets for non-registration from 4 p.m. Fri. to 8 a.m. Mon.
- If you have visitors, guests or an event on campus, please follow these guidelines:
- For all special parking needs, please fill out an Event Parking Form located in the campus Printing Office. This will assist the police department in identifying the individual needs of a campus event.
- If the event will not last more than five consecutive days and will have an attendance of less than 20 people, parking permits will be given to the person sponsoring the event by the Campus Police department for distribution to the persons attending.
- If you have a one-day program where the attendance is larger than 20 people, police officers will not ticket for non-registration during the time period specified for the event.
- If you are going to have a program that lasts longer than a week, and is not a scheduled class, special parking permits will be given to you for distribution to the attendees of the event. There may be a minimal fee to pay for administrative processing and cost of the decals. (Campus activities involving voluntary participation of community members will be exempt from this fee.)
- If you have special requirements for a large event and additional officers(s) are needed to direct traffic or work security, the chief of police will contact the sponsor upon receipt of the Event Parking Form and discuss what will be needed for the event. The sponsor of the event will be responsible for paying the officer(s) that work the event (the chief of police will determine the total number of officers needed).
All areas that are marked either visitor or handicapped are restricted 24 hours a day, year-round.
- Vehicles are considered parked when left unattended for any period of time.
- A parking permit does not guarantee the holder a reserved space, but only an opportunity to park within a specified area.
- The responsibility of finding a legal parking space rests with the vehicle operator. The person registered, as the purchaser of the decal, shall be responsible for the violations incurred by the vehicle.
- Lack of space is not a valid excuse for illegal parking.
- The fact that a person may park or observe others parked in violation of the regulations without receiving a citation does not mean that the regulations can be ignored.
- Pfeiffer University assumes no responsibility for the care and/or protection of any vehicle or its contents at any time it is either parked or operated on campus. Valuables should be secured in the trunk of your vehicle. Thefts should be reported to the campus Police Department.
- For your convenience, police officers are on duty 24 hours a day.
- Traffic regulations are enforced 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- Students are responsible for their visitors and will be held financially responsible for citations issued to vehicles owned by family members.
- Vehicles loading or unloading must leave vehicle flashers on and/or a note on the windshield; Fifteen minutes is permitted for loading/unloading unless otherwise approved.
- Disabled vehicles must be reported to the Police Department either in person or by phone. Notes are not acceptable.
- A vehicle is not registered until the decal or permit is properly displayed on the vehicle. The registration decal is not transferable. It shall not be affixed to or otherwise transferred to any vehicle other than the vehicle to which it is registered.
- Any vehicle parked at a fire hydrant, on any grassed area, or in any traveled portion of a street, parking lot or fire lane may be towed at the owner’s expense.
- Motorcycle drivers and passengers must wear helmets on campus as required by N.C. state law.
- No person shall ride in areas other than those designated as passenger areas (i.e., the outside of an automobile or bed of a pickup truck).